Endangered Animals Need
Our Help to Survive —
The forest Elephants of Africa are critically endangered, with many local populations already wiped out. The greatest threat to African elephants is poaching for the illegal international ivory trade.
The number of Rhinos in the wild has declined almost 95% since 1900, and western black rhinos and northern white rhinos have recently become extinct in the wild. Poaching, driven by consumer demand for rhino horn, primarily in Asia, poses the biggest threat to rhinos.
Pangolins are the most trafficked mammal in the world—with demand primarily in Asia and in growing amounts in Africa—for their meat and scales. Several of the eight species of pangolin are listed as critically endangered and decreasing.
The population of wild Tigers has crashed from 100,000 at the beginning of the 20th century to as few as 3,200 by 2010, due to habitat destruction and poaching to supply a global trade.
Rosewood is the most widely traded illegal wild product in the world, an endangered hardwood prized for its use in traditional Chinese furniture. The trafficking networks are so efficient that in many cases, by the time a country realizes it has a trafficking problem, all of its best trees are gone, and its forests are under threat.
Global wildlife trafficking has been estimated
to generate
$23 billion a year.